Verners Lazdans ©

Built with

  1. Cilvēks Pipars • The Human Pepper, 2008, Oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm

    Cilvēks Pipars • The Human Pepper, 2008, Oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm

    Satikšanās mežā • Encounter in the Forest, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Satikšanās mežā • Encounter in the Forest, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Zivs portrets • Portrait of a Fish, 2008, Oil on canvas, 98 x 72 cm

    Zivs portrets • Portrait of a Fish, 2008, Oil on canvas, 98 x 72 cm

    Pūce • The Owl, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Pūce • The Owl, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Zirneklis un skudras • The Spider and the Ants, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Zirneklis un skudras • The Spider and the Ants, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Pīpētājs • The Smoker, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm

    Pīpētājs • The Smoker, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm

    Sniegavīri • Snowmen, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Sniegavīri • Snowmen, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

    Žurka • The Rat, 2008, Oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

    Žurka • The Rat, 2008, Oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

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      Cilvēks Pipars • The Human Pepper, 2008, Oil on canvas, 140 x 120 cm

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      Satikšanās mežā • Encounter in the Forest, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

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      Zivs portrets • Portrait of a Fish, 2008, Oil on canvas, 98 x 72 cm

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      Pūce • The Owl, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

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      Zirneklis un skudras • The Spider and the Ants, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

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      Pīpētājs • The Smoker, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 80 cm

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      Sniegavīri • Snowmen, 2008, Oil on canvas, 120 x 140 cm

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      Žurka • The Rat, 2008, Oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm

    The Humman Pepper - solo show

    Alma gallerie, Riga, Latvia (catalogue). 05.06 - 27.06.2008

    To me, the modern man’s highly alienated and simultaneously interested attitude toward nature seems a topical enough subject to explore it in my painting. This is exactly what I was concerned with while creating my Encounter in the Forest,  The Owl, The Human Pepper, The Smoker, The Spider and the Ants, The Rat, Portrait of a Fish.

  2. The Humman Pepper - sketches

  3. Man mūsdienu cilvēka ļoti atsvešinātā un vienlaicīgi ieinteresētā attieksme pret dabu ir pietiekami aktuāla tēma, lai veltītu tai savu uzmanību.